For many people, it can be hard to find a loan if they have a bad credit history. The agencies are famous for sharing their reports with each other and if you stick out like a sore thumb, you’ll find yourself charged either a sickening interest rate or rejected altogether.
So what can you do if you’re being dragged down by your credit history?
Thankfully, there are several lenders offering loans catered for people with blotched records. As you can probably imagine though, these loans aren’t quite as appealing as the deals on offer to a valued trusted customer.
The first obstacle you face is the amount of money that a lender will be willing to credit you with. If you have a history of failing to make repayments, it’s unlikely that you’ll be given the freedom to draw out a huge chunk of money.
You’ll also have to put up with high interest rates, whichever bad credit loan company you opt for. With the mainstream lenders refusing to do business, high interest rates are the price that you’ll unfortunately be required to pay.
So in a way, you could argue that these scrap-picking lenders are working in a vicious cycle. They take the people with bad credit reports and offer them loans which in many ways, can be harder to pay off than the original debt that wrecked their ratings!
It’s not a nice circle to be trapped in but if you find yourself in such a situation, take peace from the fact that proving yourself as a reliable customer will improve your rating.
If you keep up with repayments and get the cheques to the right people before deadlines, you’ll find that your credit report illustrates this and in some cases, you’ll find the interest rate takes a dive. If at the very worst, you’ll stand a greater chance of getting a proper loan in the future.
There are two types to contend with; an unsecured loan and a secured loan. Contrary to the names, it’s the secured loan which offers the most uncertainty.
If you take out a secure loan and fail to make the repayments or fall behind, you could find yourself receiving a visit from the bailiffs or facing repossession altogether.
An unsecured loan offers slightly more protection and you can’t be directly attacked where your personal assets are concerned, but the interest rates are likely to be higher again.
If you’re desperate for a loan, a bad credit company is probably going to be seen as your last resort. It’s possible to turn your fortunes around, but you must keep on top of the debts. Don’t let whatever spoiled your rating bring you down. If you fail a second time, you could find yourself at the bottom of the loan heap!
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